Thinking of moving to Spain? Stressed and worried? Don’t worry, moving abroad is always a big deal. Moving to Spain is not as if you are moving to paradise. But yes, it’s sunny and has beautiful sites and beaches, have beautiful views and all these things can drive you crazy. Whenever you think to move into a new place, you do some research and learn some things about that place. So if you want to move to Spain some things should be known and kept in mind.
- Some people when to get to know about going to Abroad, they start learning their languages. So if you are thinking of moving to Spain try to learn some words and language which Spanish people use in Spain. But many of the times, people who learn the language here is different from Spain so you have to be careful about the language.
- Okay, so the second main thing which can make you confuse there are the names of the people living there. Different people have almost two to three surnames from the father and same as for the starting names, which are from the mother. These different names are being used for the identity.
- One thing all of you must be careful is don’t make your pocket empty at the end of the month by thinking that your coming pay is just about your door. Your pay can be late for which you have worked for the complete one month because Spanish people mostly gives late paychecks to their workers.
- A very easy way in Spain
to recognize a person that whether he or she is a tourist or a Spanish, tourists will be seen wearing clothes according to the beach or any other place but Spanish will not. The Reason is this because the people living in Spain wear their clothes by the season not by the weather of the Spain.
- If you go to a restaurant in Spain and order a coffee before having your meal than this thing will make your waitress confuse more than anything. Because people living there order coffee after the meal.
- Everyone loves doing shopping, but make sure about one thing before moving to mall for the shopping. Don’t bother doing shopping between 2ish and 5ish. Try to go to big malls for shopping rather than selecting small ones.
- Spain is very good for doing jobs there. This is so because you will go early in the morning and will be free by 2 or 3pm and then the rest of the day is all yours. You can enjoy it however you like to by going to a lunch, dinner, coffee, beach or shopping.
Very important part is living there, you should have made some search on the rents of houses and apartments. Even if you are buying some property make sure you are getting it on the right amount because the charges can vary from one place to other.

Spain is the most wonderful country in the world. Spain is a destination where you can have the best time of your life as an expat and if you are planning to live in Spain then there is nothing more wonderful than living in Spain.